


Christopher Barbour, Yoga- und Qigongtrainer im Studio 1 in Pforzheim

mit Christopher

From an early age, I believed there was something unseen…
…I searched, thought, felt and discovered my way into knowing this to be deeply true. My classes are a heart-centered organic flow of healing modalities including Meditation, Qigong, Yoga, Tai Chi, Dance, Art, Poetry and Bhakti, the yoga of devotion. Co-creating a space with you to connect with spirit, live your satya (your truth) with an open heart allowing for the authenticity of you.

For the past ten years, I have been a Los Angeles-based Yoga, Qigong and Meditation teacher as well as a nationally exhibited artist and international commercial photographer. In August 2020, my family and I decided to go on an European sabbatical.


Donnerstag von 18:15 – 19:45

Heartsoul Flow Yoga

Taught in English … dennoch einige wenige deutsche Worte dazu, denn es ist nicht wichtig Englisch zu sprechen und zu verstehen, um von diesem Kurs zu profitieren. Christopher begleitet Dich nicht nur über das gesprochene Wort sondern sehr viel mehr über die Körpersprache.

Dieser dem Vinyasa-Stil angepasster Kurs ist ein Flow aus Hatha Yoga, Qigong, Tai Chi, Tanz, Poesie und Bhakti – dem Yoga der Hingabe. Eine Meditation in Bewegung, die die Grundsätze der Yoga Philosophie von Dir fordert und fördert: Verbindung mit deinem Geist, deine Wahrhaftigkeit leben und mit offenem Herzen zu SEIN.

„All indigenous cultures recognize the heart as the center of our being… the home of our true essence.

This vinyasa style class is a heart-centered organic flow of hatha yoga, Qigong, Tai Chi, dance, poetry and Bhakti. A meditation in movement asking you to connect with spirit, live your satya ( truth ) with an open heart and BE. Focusing on breath and alignment while balancing and grounding the physical and energetic bodies allowing for a deep, sweet cultivation of joyfulness, loving-kindness and compassion.

Living from and with your open heart can bring peace, inspiration, clarity, radiant health and appreciation for every day.

Join Christopher for this experience to align with your highest Self, learning how to open scared space for the song of YOU! The memory of who we are is in our Spiritual Heart… your Heartsoul.“

Weitere Kurse in Englisch mit Christopher im Studio 1:


Restoratives & Meditation